Your Screenplay Sucks!
100 Ways to Make it Great

99% of people who will read your script do not have the ability to say, “Yes,” but everyone can say, “No.”

While they hope to find the next fabulous thing, they’re also looking for any excuse to put it down. Don’t give them one! Your Screenplay Sucks! removes land mines from your screenplay that will cause the reader to stop reading.

I once sat next to a producer on a plane, watched her read six pages and put a script down. That writer spent months and months on their script but, for some reason, blew their chance by page six. Probably for a long list of reasons.

The book helps you check 100 reasons off that depression-inducing list.

If you follow the Your Screenplay Sucks! checklist, you’ll be a better writer. No problem.

I hope you find the book incredibly useful.