William M. Akers

Author of Your Screenplay Sucks! 100 Ways To Make It Great, William, a WGA Lifetime Member, has written for studios, independent producers, and network television. He’s had three feature films produced from his screenplays and his novel, Mrs. Ravenbach’s Way, was published by ReganArts / Phaidon. He taught filmmaking and screenwriting at Vanderbilt University and created Belmont University’s Motion Pictures department, a Variety Top 30 Film School. He consults with screenwriting clients around the world.

Visit his website at yourscreenplaysucks.com.


Hillary Schoelzel

Hillary has more than a decade of experience working in the entertainment industry. In addition to writing her own screenplays, she has previously worked at WME and Sunday Night Productions, where she collaborated on projects with A-list Hollywood writers and directors. Most notably, Hillary was the Associate Producer of the 2016 Sundance film THE HOLLARS directed by John Krasinski. She is a graduate of Vanderbilt University, USC, and the UCLA Professional Program in Writing for Television.