Welcome to
Key to Storytelling


Whether you’re new to screenwriting or have written dozens of screenplays, we’ll teach you how to think about story and help you develop your writing skills.


Over 20 years of experience teaching and consulting
Former students and clients have worked across the film and television industry…

Write your best screenplay!

Learn the Key to Storytelling Method for developing your ideas, writing your story, and finally cracking the code on completing a standout screenplay.

Get professional feedback.

Get your script ready for an agent or producer to read with detailed notes from a 20-year screenwriting veteran and author of top-rated screenwriting book, Your Screenplay Sucks! 100 Ways to Make it Great.

Become a better writer.

Check out our free handouts and downloadable handbooks designed to help you write a professional-grade script.

What clients say…

“In the rewriting process, William's script notes are a game-changer. I went from feeling stuck and locked in to my current version, to having a whole world of possibilities opened up for my next draft.”

— Sam F.

“Hillary asks all the right questions and offers truly insightful advice… Many drafts later, my script became a Semifinalist in the 2022 Nicholl Fellowship. That would not have happened were it not for Hillary's input.”

— Matthew S.

“My screenplay “sucked” and then I discovered William Akers… The entire experience was above and beyond my expectations. Most importantly, I believe my script now has potential for success that I never expected to reach.”

— Steven N.

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